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Love in an unloving world

Over the past year I have experienced some bad relationships, and have been hurt like I have never been hurt before by people who I thought loved and valued their relationship with me. This created bitterness, resentment and hatred inside of me. Then I realized that, there is so much hatred and unloving acts in this world is because we allow it, we give into it and then we create it. To love and be loving we must not be so easily be offended and secondly, we must learn to forgive. However; we do not forgive and go back into the same relationship expecting a different outcome, we remove ourselves from toxic relationships, while still loving the toxic people. Knowing that "hurt people, hurt people" Pastor Dave Novak.... We should try to understand their pain. Instead of condemning them of their wrong doings we should try to love them from a distance and truly pray for those who have hurt us. Yes... the praying for our enemies was hard for me to wrap my head around too, but once I did it I felt healing in me. Knowing that I once loved those who hurt me and still do, why not pray for them. Believing that God is my way, my light and my healing, I turn to him, for these are his children too. Who better than the creator of your enemies to run too when they are not being so nice. When children are misbehaving or get in trouble who is contacted to deal with their behavior, their parents are. When a child does something wrong their parents are contacted because most of the time they are there to correct their child from the mistakes they have done. We must trust that God will protect us and guard us from those who do harm to us. We also must trust that he knows exactly what to do with his children as well. We cannot allow others in our life that do harm to us, but in-order to bring love to this world we must not hold on to the bad things, continue to love and be the person we have always been. Unfortunately, there is no algorithm or questionnaire to avoid bad relationships, life throughs lesson at us and all we can do is grow from the experiences that we endured. Loving first always, will change this world, but more importantly it will change you. You will be able to overcome lots of obstacles is you master loving others no matter what the situation is.

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